The 4 tools you need to get started in photography

As technology advances, the barrier to entry for learning photography now is barely a barrier at all. From cell phones cameras to the wave of mirrorless cameras and other hybrid cameras developed in the last few years, the options are endless for newfound photography enthusiasts. If you have no idea where to start when it comes to photography then check out these 4 tools.

Quality Camera

First things first you need a camera to get started in photography, whether that be a DSLR, a point and shoot or even your smartphone. I recommend getting an entry-level DSLR or mirrorless camera if you want to get serious about your photography. I listed a few cameras on my recent holiday guide here to get you started.

50mm Lens

As a first lens I would recommend a 50mm. It was my first camera lens and I accomplished some great photography with it from studio work and indoor locations to outdoor shoots. Sometimes when we start out with a zoom lens versus a 50mm we can get lazy and reliant on the zoom function but a 50mm will make you get closer to subjects and allow you to explore more to get those engaging angles. It’s a great lens for portraits and is the most cost effective lens you can get as a first lens. After spending $2800 on my first professional camera I was a bit strapped for cash so I bought this 50mm F/1.8 lens that could work on smaller frame and larger frame cameras alike.


Having a tripod is handy for setting up shoots or shooting in low light situations. It also helps with camera shake and shaky hand problems. I personally use the Manfrotto MKCOMPACTADV-BK Compact Advanced Tripod with 3-Way Head to put my camera on for shooting my Youtube videos or setting up shots.

Eye for Composition

Knowing how to properly compose a photo is an essential skill in photography. I started out learning composition with the Rule of Thirds. Once you fully understand that rule then you can break the rules. With photography, rules are always meant to be broken. Digital Photography School has a great guide on composition for new photographers called A New Photographer’s Guide to Composition that is helpful for understanding what you should look for when composing a photo.

If you’re struggling with how to get started in photography check out my Youtube channel or join my email list for weekly helpful tips to get you going.