6 Go-To Resources For Photography

Since my college years are well behind me, I’m no longer accustomed to getting my photography knowledge in a classroom setting. Nowadays I’m up all night on the Internet to stay up to date on trends in photography, as well as learn new things about lighting, equipment and shooting techniques. Since I’m all about sharing the wealth when it comes to knowledge, here are a few of my favorite websites for learning about photography:

Digital Photography School

I’m constantly looking at the Digital Photography School website for help in all areas of photography from Photoshop to the technical aspects of shooting. They are perfect for all levels of photographers from beginners to professionals. They have their own eBooks, courses and presets/actions for Photoshop and Lightroom but I mostly use them for their informative articles.

Creative Live

Creative Live has redefined the photography workshop.They are numerous workshops streamed live for all types of creative pursuits but their biggest audiences come for the photography related workshops. While their live workshops are free, if you don’t catch it when it’s live then you can pay for the class and have lifetime access to the video and any classwork materials.


This site is a newer resource I found out about this year. It’s geared toward editing and retouching tutorials. There are TONS of FREE tutorials from how to cut someone out of a photo to getting rid of scars in Photoshop. The lessons are endless in their free sections but they also have paid courses for more advanced learners.


Lynda is a monthly subscription service that gives you access to a library of tutorials and lessons on any type of technical skill from learning how to use Excel to HTML/CSS coding to the entire Adobe Creative Suite. In college we had access to Lynda for free so best believe I used it to my advantage and learned tons about how to use the Adobe programs they were teaching me. They have a free 10-day trial plan so you can try it out and see if it's for you before jumping into one of their monthly plans.

iPhone Photography School

If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop for learning how to use your iPhone to take high quality photos then this is the place for you. iPhone Photography School shows the ins and outs of photographing with your iPhone, how to manage and control its setting and how to edit via third party retouching apps.


DPReview is where I go to look at all things camera equipment. They have reviews, comparisons, breaking news and discussions on digital photography equipment. If you want to know which DSLR to get then this would be the first place to check.

If you try out any of these resources this week and feel like sharing leave a comment and let me know what you’ve learned or whether they were helpful. Also if you know of any other sites that may not be on my radar let me know!